Scope Tour Reservation Form

Please complete this form. Print it out and mail to Scope Travel (address below) with your deposit check of $600.00 per person.

Tour Name:
Departure Date:
Passenger’s name (As in passport): Last Name:
First Name
Date of Birth:
Twin with
Land Only
Citizen of:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Tel (home):
Tel (work):

In an effort to keep our prices as low as possible and to avoid charges which add cost to our products, we do not accept credit cards.
CANCELLATION CHARGES: If the undersigned cancels after deposit or full payment has been made the following charges apply:

Once under deposit …..$ 300.00 If your airline ticket was purchased through Scope Travel, cancellation fees apply as per airline rules and regulations.
Tour price is based on exchange rates as of Nov. 2020. Itineraries and prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Once under deposit for any cruise …..$ 600.00
60-30 day prior to departure …..$ 600.00
30 day or less to departure date Total land cost

I have read and understand terms /conditions and cancellation charges
Signature__________________ Date ___________________________
This form is valid only if signed and accompanied by deposit check.

Scope Travel
8331 New Second Street,
Elkins Park, PA 19027
Tel cell 201 463 4656       Home line/Fax 215 635 1910